Sunday, June 29, 2014

Preparation for plantation in pots (Veettu thottam / வீட்டு தோட்டம்)

Plantation in pots:

Mainly we have to consider which soil we are using. If the soil is already fertile then we can use it directly. Now a days since we are using pesticides or insecticide our soil became harder and not suitable for cultivation.

To make soil fertile and good for cultivation, there are different natural ways.

1. First and far most way is growing earthworms in our soil.
2. Next will be growing good microorganisms which will make soil more fertile by decomposing agriculture waste like dry leaves, cow dung etc.,
3. Growing some green plants (Sanappai and Thakkai Poondu) which will help to increase nitrogen content in our soil.

If the above methods are followed then automatically our soil will became good for cultivation.

We'll discuss this topic later. Now our main goal is to prepare soil for plantation in pots.

Below are the necessary items based on the pot you selected.

1. Soil (Red soil preferred) - 40%
    - Much needed for any plant.

2. Vermi composite - 40%
    - Organic fertilizer for plants.

3. Sand - 20%
    - To keep soil loose, so that roots will easily penetrate through.

Mix the soil, vermi composite & sand as mentioned in the above composition and fill it in the pot by leaving 3 to 5 cm space at the top to pour water.

Now the soil is ready for plantation.


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